Friday, September 20, 2013

updating your tax status

i went to bir the other day to finally get my tax status updated. matteo and mikolo are now my dependents and my tax status is now s3. woot! and guess what, it was such a breeze!!!

here are my tips for you when getting your tax status updated:

1. if you had a previous employer, go to their rdo branch so you can transfer your records to your current employer's rdo. don't make the mistake of having to wait at your current company's rdo only to find out you were supposed to do something else first.

2. make sure to get an authorized person to sign your form 2305 on behalf of your current company (usually someone from hr). and make sure your company's details at the bottom part are filled out and updated. you can download the form online if your company does not provide this.

3. prepare 2 copies...always.

4. get the birth certificate/s photocopied and authenticated. most government offices don't require nso copies or original ones. 

5. come in around 4pm. bir closes at 5 and when they see it's near closing time, that's when they start picking up pace. i got my tax status updated in less than an hour.

6. as per our payroll team, wait for september to get your tax status updated. that way your tax returns are higher. unless of course you give birth past that month, then update it right away.

7. if you can pay someone to do this for you, then do it. let him/her take care of all the other documents like sss and pag-ibig so you can just spend time with your baby. if your hubby can do it, that's better. ;)

i hope these tips are helpful for you. do you have other bir tips? :)

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

the unusual stuff to teach your kid: facial hair

this is a series of posts intended to advise all dear parents out there on the odd things kids might do and need to be cautioned on.

to start off, tell your kids (or tweens for that matter) the entire face should not be shaved. oh yes. i know of 1 who wanted to shave his growing mustache but then thought he didn't like to have a hairy face and decided to shave it entirely. and so what he didn't want to happen was exactly what he got.

although his face may not resemble a werewolf's, when you touch it, you'll feel his facial hair. it's like touching your arm when you're having goosebumps. and when sunlight hits his face, his hair shines like edward cullen, minus the glitter. lucky him his hair is thin.

so moms and dads, if you see your young man with a shaver, help him out coz he might end up lookin' like chewbacca. :) 

Thursday, June 27, 2013

lucky me

i went to the department store yesterday to get new bottles for matteo. i just found out that the avent classic bottle also comes in blue and pink - the special editions. i was already decided on getting the blue version of course even though i had not seen it.

as soon as i grabbed a pack, the saleslady right away informed me that it was on sale. *grin* the colorless classic bottle is actually cheaper but the sale price of the special editions make it more affordable. yipee!!! good timing, don't you think? 

the special edition bottles are on sale while supplies last. hurry! ;)

and in other good news. i am extremely happy i was able to wear my stilettos aaaaaaaaaand skinny jeans again! oh, yeah! *giddy*

sooooooo lucky me! ;)

Monday, June 24, 2013

3rd charm

wow, it's been 2 weeks since i gave birth and i'm only able to blog about it today. for some reason, i'm having a difficult time adjusting to my baby's needs. you'd think i should already be used to it since this is my 3rd, but i'm struggling. maybe coz it is already my 3rd and i have 2 other boys to take care of, yeah? ;)

i gave birth on june 10 at 11:30pm to a 6.5 lb baby boy, measuring 18.5 inches, and with a 9 apgar score. i was 38 weeks and 3 days pregnant :)

the other attendants in the delivery room said my baby was good-looking. my ob agreed and said all my boys are good-looking and that i have good genes... and that's why i always get pregnant. she was tryin' to be funny of course, but i know she wants me to stop already, haha!

here's a pic of my beautiful baby boy a few minutes after i've given birth to him:  

and here's a pic i took this weekend:

isn't he a cutie?

sigh. time flies by so fast. next thing i know he's already a month old, then 2 and my mat leave is over. i just really need to make the most of it.

and while i'm on leave, i really hope i can blog more. lookin' forward to sharing my labor and delivery experience and other pregnancy stuff that i can impart to first-time moms. 'til my next post! :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

pre-natal check-ups

i just had a check-up last wednesday and it's soooooo good to know that i didn't gain weight. whew! i've been gaining too much - around 5lbs every 2 weeks and my ob says i really need to control my food intake. but i'm still happy to know that my baby boy's estimated size is still ok. whooopee!

i'm usually in a dress + cardi outfit but when i have a check-up, i make sure to wear separates. why? well, for pre-natal check-ups, it's best to wear a top + bottom 'coz most definitely your ob will check your baby's heartbeat. and it would be embarrassing (well, at least for me) to have to pull up your dress just to show your baby bump.

i also make sure to wear shoes that are easy to remove so when i lay on that "check-up bed" it's less hassle and quicker too.

here's what i wore to my check-up:

33 weeks and 4 days
 top: forever21 | leggings: forever21 | bag: parisian
sandals: solemate x sm | belt: cotton on

see, with separates, you only need to expose your tummy. ;) but even if you wear a dress to your check-up, your ob will still cover you up down there, but again, it would take time and it's a hassle. 

so always make sure to wear separates so it's more convenient, quicker, and less embarrassing.

just wanted to share what i wore that week:

33 weeks and 2 days
dress: market, market | cardigan: cotton on
sandals: payless

33 weeks and 3 days
dress: st. francis square | cardigan: landmark
sandals: payless

33 weeks and 5 days
dress: redhead x sm | cardigan: cotton on
sandals: solemate x sm

since i wasn't able to take pix all throughout my pregnancy, i aim to take pix daily/regularly just to chronicle everything and take outfit photos. too bad i wasn't able to take a pic last friday. it was such a busy day that i forgot to ask someone or even take a selfie. oh, well.

oh, and nope, i don't have a new gadget yet... still contemplating on what to get. hopefully within a week. :)

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

boy, oh boy

it's been months since i last posted again. things have been crazy! and quite frankly, i did miss blogging. i sure hope i get to blog more often!

so why, after all these months that i've been quiet, i am back?! well, i am pregnant again with my 3rd baby! surprise, surprise! and, it's another boy! my 3rd baby boy! can you imagine?! wow, how productive of me, haha!

i'm actually already on my 8th month. time flew by so fast... i haven't even had the chance to get myself photographed. sigh. so many things to do, so little time!

i hope i get to blog more. i'm planning to get a tablet or any new gadget to help me post about my pregnancy and other oohmomma adventures. i just hope i get a new one, stat! any suggestions?

that's all for now. looking forward to using my new gadget for my next post (crossing my fingers)... ;)