Thursday, July 1, 2010

in other news...

my day didn't start out the way it should.

but 2 people changed my disposition. let's start the countdown shall we?

2. gevs. (did i spell that right?)

it's very rare for an applicant to make me smile coz i'm usually poker-faced. i'm glad i met him/her and i hope he passes the client interview. he was very engaging and entertaining! can't wait to see him again!

uno. need i say more?

after a very loooooooooooooooong day,
i'm glad to be home.

finally, bonding time!

it's t.g.i.f. tomorrow, yey!


Mama Hen said...

Cute pictures! Yippey I am your first follower! I look forward to following your blog! Come visit Mama's Little Chick. Have a great weekend!

Mama Hen

ohmygoddess said...

wow! didn't expect to have a follower...teehee. thank you. my weekend was a blast. hope you have a spectacular one!

Mama Hen said...

Thank you for stopping by the Hen House! Hope to see you around! have a fun day today!

Mama Hen